There is ever increasing movement waking up in India, my love against the corruption. People are just fed-up with the system, whether political leaders, bureaucrats, babus, officials and it seems this poison is rotting and eating every fibers of humanity. This problem does not only limit to the boundary of India, it pervades beyond boundaries and it pervades in the limitless mind. Cleaning the system, putting strong laws, checks and balances are necessary to run the system efficiently in just yet it is also equally important to clean up the mind and habits of people who are going to run that system. Now who are those people, it's me myself, you and all other people who are there in the system. Because we altogether make the society. Definitely higher the position one hold, higher the moral standards one need to live because of their higher positions one get the ability to influences other people lives to greater extents. Yet it's applicable to all.
Reading an article in T...
Sounds Interesting...