Yama and Niyama are the do's and don'ts, or ethical disciplines, which have existed in the human race since the beginning of civilizations. Patanjanli, the father of yoga has very clearly specified these 10 commandments of Sanatana dharma or Hindu religion for harmonious human life but they have nothing to do with the ideas of sin and virtue or good and evil as dictated by some cosmic potentate . They are the first two level of his eight fold yoga system known as Ashtang yoga. The first two levels are known as Yama (precepts of social discipline) and Niyama (precepts of individual discipline). Yama and Niyama are practical whether one is from the civilizations of the East of the West. By following these practical and relevant precepts, we can create a harmonious human society and can work toward individual development of the body, mind and soul. They are the foundation of our practice without which no spiritual p...
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