God is in you:
Eshwara pranidhanad va" (Sutra 23) meaning "Just by pointed devotion to God." Just by surrendering to the lord, you can achieve the fully blossomed state of consciousness. Now, what is the lord? Who is the lord? Where is he? It is easy to say surrender to God, but what is God? Where is God? Nobody has ever seen God. Then comes the next question. What is lordship? What is that which rules this world?
You find that it is love that rules the world. The core of the existence rules this universe. Like the Sun is the centre of the solar system and rules all the planets, the very core of your existence life is governed by love. That consciousness, that core of existence is responsible for this whole creation.
A bird feeds its young out of love. Ducks hatch eggs out of love. Cows take care of their calves out of love. Have you seen monkeys? How they care for their young ones! Love is in-built in this creation. That is how creation functions. That is why Jesus said, "Love is God and God is love."
Patanjali in the next sutra beautifully analyses this state of consciousness.
"Klesha karmavipakashayairaparamrushtaha purushavishesha ëshwaraha" (Sutra 24) meaning "God is that special self who is free from affliction, action, fruit of action, impression and untouched by events."
The core of consciousness is free from suffering. There are five types of suffering which are enunciated. One type of suffering is ignorance or avidya. When your consciousness is filled with ignorance, then there is restlessness, there is unhappiness and suffering. Misery is because of ignorance. Ignorance is giving importance to something not worth the importance. Ignorance is thinking something that is changing to be permanent or imagining something to be joyful which is not joyful. Do you see what I am saying? Just like, when someone passes a comment about you. It is just a word that came from the person's mouth and vanished. But thinking it is a permanent thing, keeping it in your mind is ignorance.
Asmita means "me, me, I, I" and is the second cause of suffering. What people think about me? What do I want from them? How do I take advantage of them? Do they think I am good or bad? All these things are asmita. They give nothing but misery. They give you misery because of not being one with existence. This asmita eats you up. That is the cause of your suffering. The third is raga or craving for anything, fourth is dwesha means aversion or hatred and fifth is abhinivesha or fear. These are the five sources of misery.
That consciousness deep down in you is devoid of these five factors. Though outwardly you are miserable, outside you are craving for something, if you really go to the core of your existence, deep down, in the very centre point of you, you are free from it.. You may be hating somebody on the outside, but from the centre of your existence there is no hatred. There is fear only on the outside. There is ignorance only on the outside, but when you come to the core of your existence, there is no fear. There is no ignorance there. There is no 'you' there.
When these are eliminated even from the outer body, then whatever is in the centre becomes eminent, so obvious. The Lordship in you blossoms. God in you is manifested. So God is that purusha, that being which is devoid of sufferings or misery.
To Be Contimued.....