Chapter 2-Sankhya Yoga: Eternal Reality of the Souls' Immortality. This chapter is often deemed as a summary to the entire Bhagavad-Gita. Here many subjects are explained such as: karma yoga, gyan yoga, sankhya yoga, buddih yoga and the atma which is the soul. Predominance has been given to the immortal nature of the soul existing within all living entities and it has been described in great detail.
Chapter 3-Karma Yoga: The Eternal Duties of Human Beings. Chapter three establishes the fact by various points of view that the performance of prescribed duties is obligatory for everyone. Here Lord Krishna categorically and comprehensively explains how it is the duty of each and every member of society to carry out their functions and responsibilities in their respective stage of life according to the rules and regulations of the society in which one lives. Further the Lord explains why such duties must be performed, what benefit is gained by performing them, what harm is caused by not performing them. Plus what actions lead to bondage and what actions lead to salvation.
Chaper 4-Gyan Yoga: Knowledge of Ultimate Truth. In chapter four Lord Krishna reveals how spiritual knowledge is received by disciple succession and the reason and nature of His descent into the material worlds. Here He also explains the paths of action and knowledge as well as the wisdom regarding the supreme knowledge which results at the culmination of these two paths.
Chapter 5-Karma Vairagya Yoga: Path of Action and Renunciation. In chapter five Lord Krishna delineates the concepts of action with detachment and renunciation in actions explaining that both are a means to the same goal. Here He explains how salvation is attained by the pursuance of these paths.
Chapter 6-Abhyas Yoga: The Practice for Self-Realization. In chapter six Lord Krishna reveals ashtanga yoga, and the exact process of practicing such yoga. He explains in detail the difficulties of the mind and the procedures by which one may gain mastery of their mind through yoga which reveals the spiritual nature of a living entity.
Chapter 7-Paramhamsa Vigyan Yoga: Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth. In chapter seven Lord Krishna gives concrete knowledge of the absolute reality as well as the opulence of divinity. He describes His illusory energy in the material existence called Maya and declares how extremely difficult it is to surmount it. He also describes the four types of people attracted to divinity and the four types of people who are opposed to divinty. In conclusion He reveals that one in spiritual intelligence takes exclusive refuge of the Lord without reservation in devotional service.
Chapter 8-Aksara Parbhrahman Yoga: Attainment of Salvation. In chapter eight Lord Krishna emphasizes the science of yoga. Revealing that one attains whatever one remembers at the end of one's life. Thee Lord emphasizes the utmost importance of the very last thought at the moment of death. Also he gives information on the creation of the material worlds as well as establishing a distinction between them and the spiritual world. Here HE explains the light and dark paths in regards to leaving this material existence, the destination to which they each lead to and the reward received by each.
Chapter 9-Raj Vidya Guhya Yoga: Confidential Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth. In chapter nine Lord Krishna reveals that the sovereign science and the sovereign secret. He explains how the entire material existence is created, prevaded, maintained and annihilated by His external energy and all beings are coming and going under His supervision. The subjects matters covered subsequently are primarily concerned with devotional service and the Lord Himself declares that these subject matters are most confidential.
Chapter 10-Vibhuti Vistar Yoga: The Infinite Glories of the Ultimate Truth. Chapter ten reveals Lord Krishna's exalted position as the cause of all causes. Also specifying His special manifestations and opulences. Arjuna prays to the Lord to describe more of the opulence's and the Lord describes those which are most prominent.
Chapter 11-Vishvaroop Darshan Yoga: The Vision of the Universal Form (reality). In chapter eleven Lord Krishna is beseeched by Arjuna to reveal His universal form showing all of existence.
Chapter 12-Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Devotion. In chapter twelve Lord Krishna extols the glory of devotion to God. Along with this HE explains the different forms of spiritual disciplines and discusses the qualities of the devotees who by performing their activities in this way become very dear to HIM.
Chapter 13-Kshetra Kshetragya Vibhaga Yoga: The Individual and Universal Consciousness. In chapter thirteen Lord Krishna reveals the distinct difference between the physical body and the immortal soul. He explains that the physical is transitory and perishable whereas the soul is immutable and eternal. The Lord also gives precise knowledge about the individual soul and the ultimate soul.
Chapter 14-Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga: The Three Qualities of Material Nature. In chapter fourteen Lord Krishna reveals matters pertaining goodness, passion and science by which everything in the material existence is influenced. HE gives pertinent details on the essential characteristics of each individually, their cause, the level of their potency, how they influence a living entity affected by them as well as the signs of one who has risen above them. Here HE clearly advises to relinquish oneself from ignorance and passion and adopt the path of pure goodness until acquiring the ability to transcend them.
Chapter 15-Purrushottama Yoga: Realization of the Ultimate Truth. In chapter fifteen Lord Krishna reveals the virtues, the glories and transcendental characteristics of God being omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Also HE explains the purpose and value of knowing about God and the means by which HE can be realized.
Chapter 16-Daivasura Samad Vibhaga Yoga: Realization of Divine and the Demoniac Natures. In chapter sixteen Lord Krishna describes explicitly, explaining separately and in detail the divine properties, conduct and actions which are righteous in nature and conducive to divinity. Also HE delineates the evil propensities and ill conduct which are unrighteous in nature and which determine the unrighteous and which are antagonistic to divinity.
Chapter 17-Shraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga: The Three Divisions of Material Existence. In chapter seventeen Lord Krishna classifies the three divisions of faith, revealing that it is these different qualities of faith in the Supreme that determine that character of living entities. These three types of faith determine one's consciousness in this world.
Chapter 18-Moksa Updesa Yoga: Final Revelations of the Ultimate Truth. In chapter eighteen Lord Krishna sums up the conclusion of the previous chapters and describes the attainment of salvation by the paths of karma in chapters one through six and in gyan yoga section which are chapters thirteen through eighteen. The Lord explains that while doing so one must offer without reservation everything to God. The knowledge revealed gets progressively more and more confidential then in all the previous chapters.
Hari Om Tat Sat
All Glory to Gurudev!