Silence-generally when something goes wrong we observe silence, may be we have an argument or fight then we keep quiet and don't talk. May be we want to talk much more than usual but we keep our lips tight. This silence has no meaning as it is just a physical silence but their is no silence inside rather there might be more activity, restlessness inside, isn't it!
The true sense silence is so soothing, so peaceful, silence is so awakening and its so energizing, its so beautiful and it sharpens our focus, it enhances our observation, it accelerate our speed, it creates a sense of rest, it gives depth to perception and it improves our expression, it gives us peace, it gives us space and time. Silence is so powerful and LOUD and Silence is silent yet silence speaks so much. All the best moments whether love, joy or peace whether the presence of your loved one or a view of scenic place or tasting a yummy delicacy or smelling a sense locking fragrance from roses or even truly sad moments where we are very closed to ourselves put our mind in complete silence. All these moments whether good or not so good arrest our senses and quieten our mind to present moment and Silence happens in true sense. Isn't it!
The true silence happens when we are in present moment. Physically, mentally and verbally just here, right now! No chattering with tongue and no chattering in the mind. When everything is quietened and you become one with the moment, silences is happening and YOU become SILENCE. Wowwwwwwww... How precious are those moments.
In those precious moments mind is not cribbing or angry about past happenings and not even worried or fearful about future. It is just here with the present moment. Its not wasting so much of energy in usual thought clutter and verbal quietness also conserving so much energy and water content from the body.
Silence helps us so many ways and gives depth to our lives. Whether a good painter or a poet or a scientist all get their best of creations from silence. Though Silence doesn't speak yet Silence speaks a lot. One who can observe the silence in speech and who can listen to the silence has really learned the Art of Living!
All Glory to Gurudev!
The true sense silence is so soothing, so peaceful, silence is so awakening and its so energizing, its so beautiful and it sharpens our focus, it enhances our observation, it accelerate our speed, it creates a sense of rest, it gives depth to perception and it improves our expression, it gives us peace, it gives us space and time. Silence is so powerful and LOUD and Silence is silent yet silence speaks so much. All the best moments whether love, joy or peace whether the presence of your loved one or a view of scenic place or tasting a yummy delicacy or smelling a sense locking fragrance from roses or even truly sad moments where we are very closed to ourselves put our mind in complete silence. All these moments whether good or not so good arrest our senses and quieten our mind to present moment and Silence happens in true sense. Isn't it!
The true silence happens when we are in present moment. Physically, mentally and verbally just here, right now! No chattering with tongue and no chattering in the mind. When everything is quietened and you become one with the moment, silences is happening and YOU become SILENCE. Wowwwwwwww... How precious are those moments.
In those precious moments mind is not cribbing or angry about past happenings and not even worried or fearful about future. It is just here with the present moment. Its not wasting so much of energy in usual thought clutter and verbal quietness also conserving so much energy and water content from the body.
Silence helps us so many ways and gives depth to our lives. Whether a good painter or a poet or a scientist all get their best of creations from silence. Though Silence doesn't speak yet Silence speaks a lot. One who can observe the silence in speech and who can listen to the silence has really learned the Art of Living!
All Glory to Gurudev!
Jai guru dev.
Silence also can be the safe harbor that we find when we are aligned and in the now.