Have you ever ponder when you want to repose into the self and dive into deep meditation what is that hold you back? Is your mind stuck in relationship, job, guilt, anger or pleasant memory of past actions or anxiety of future, money, fame, name, people etc? Why the mind is stuck there, why it can't detach itself and repose into the self? Why the mind is jumping like a monkey and never come to rest? Let's explore it. What and where mind sticks to. Have you notice as compared to our dreams we give more value to our actions/words in waking state. Isn't it! why so? Simple reason there is strong sense in the mind for the purposefulness and permanency of the actions/words from waking state than those in dream state. We are much convinced that there is purpose for these things like your car/job/relationship/money which we see in wakeful state etc etc. While mind do not dwell much on the events happen in dream state as it is convinced that there is no purpose of all that in real ...
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