It's always been valuable to know what is worth knowing or otherwise we might end up wasting lots of time asking useless questions. Some says it's worth while to know from where this universe came into existence? Who is the creator of this universe? What will happen in 2012? ;-) etc etc. Here is where I will start, say you got a machine say new computer and according to manual it can run on 110 volt and suppose you plug it into a source of 220 volt or 440 volt what will happen? you know, you might end up blowing it up? And also say you got a calculator and you expect it to heat your food? how stupid it would be! Means in nutshell, it's very important to make the best use of anything, you must know what it can take and what is its capacity or potential to deliver. Isn't it? Taking this simple analogy to our life what immediately becomes important to know what our system can take? What is it made up of? What is our potential? Knowing these basic things only we would be able to use ourselves to best of our potential! Isn't it!
You might be running like mad to get a big house, a fat salary job or a big car or get famous blah blah blah...... But until you know what you really are, how will you decide whether things you are running after are really useful for you or not! Isn't it! Finally it come down to basic question WHO AM I? Once we know this we will exactly know what we need to run our life and what the potential we have to deliver what we can deliver! Stop running, slow down and ignore the buzz coming from all around you for some moments and ask yourself "WHO AM I" Now don't be in hurry to get the answer just relax and be with this "WHO AM I." Just be there, right this moment. Lets find inside WHO ARE YOU?
You might be running like mad to get a big house, a fat salary job or a big car or get famous blah blah blah...... But until you know what you really are, how will you decide whether things you are running after are really useful for you or not! Isn't it! Finally it come down to basic question WHO AM I? Once we know this we will exactly know what we need to run our life and what the potential we have to deliver what we can deliver! Stop running, slow down and ignore the buzz coming from all around you for some moments and ask yourself "WHO AM I" Now don't be in hurry to get the answer just relax and be with this "WHO AM I." Just be there, right this moment. Lets find inside WHO ARE YOU?
Who am I? I need to ask this.. thakx
I need to ask this..Jgd