Have you ever noticed whenever you are happy, how is your energy level 'high' while on contrary whenever you are sad your energy level is 'low'. Or sometime even when things are alright and normal you don't feel all good and you feel something inside you is sinking. What is that something is sinking and cause a up moods, its nothing but the life force energy moving up ward or downward. Whether it's blame, sadness, loss, bad health or criticism we feel low while when we win, gain or received appreciation and recognition we feel uplifted. Its just a play of energy which is taking us on this ride of mood swings.
What we can do to keep in under control, start working on the basics of life. What basics which keep our life force energy uplifted and high. Keep a check of things which are the source of energy, namely food, rest, spiritual practices, good company, a inspiring read.
Food: Take good nutritious food on time. Specially at least one serving of vegetable, sprouts and fruits everyday. Take the food which keep you light and not make you lethargic or aggressive.
Rest: Take proper rest and on time rest. Sleeping late night causes such a imbalance in system and disturb the whole nervous system at subtle level at the same time causes loss in productivity at work place. So keep up with timely sleep so that you stay fresh during the day time.
Spiritual Tonic: There are few things in our life which give us strength, the strength to the self in us. I call them 'spiritual tonic' as it tones the self. Whether its meditation or any spiritual practice, have a daily dose of it everyday.
Good Company: Watch out your company. Certain people simply complain and keep cribbing about anything and every thing. These are the people who are never happy. Better stay away from them. Be with happy people. As happiness grow with happiness.
Inspiring Read: Somebody has said the inspiring books are the best friend. They never waste your time. Always gives you and you can shut them whenever you want. You don't have any obligation with books. Keep a good book always with you.
Lets work on these basics and see how it influence our life.
With the best wishes for the festive season. Merry Christmas!
All Glory to Gurudev!
With Love
What we can do to keep in under control, start working on the basics of life. What basics which keep our life force energy uplifted and high. Keep a check of things which are the source of energy, namely food, rest, spiritual practices, good company, a inspiring read.
Food: Take good nutritious food on time. Specially at least one serving of vegetable, sprouts and fruits everyday. Take the food which keep you light and not make you lethargic or aggressive.
Rest: Take proper rest and on time rest. Sleeping late night causes such a imbalance in system and disturb the whole nervous system at subtle level at the same time causes loss in productivity at work place. So keep up with timely sleep so that you stay fresh during the day time.
Spiritual Tonic: There are few things in our life which give us strength, the strength to the self in us. I call them 'spiritual tonic' as it tones the self. Whether its meditation or any spiritual practice, have a daily dose of it everyday.
Good Company: Watch out your company. Certain people simply complain and keep cribbing about anything and every thing. These are the people who are never happy. Better stay away from them. Be with happy people. As happiness grow with happiness.
Inspiring Read: Somebody has said the inspiring books are the best friend. They never waste your time. Always gives you and you can shut them whenever you want. You don't have any obligation with books. Keep a good book always with you.
Lets work on these basics and see how it influence our life.
With the best wishes for the festive season. Merry Christmas!
All Glory to Gurudev!
With Love