There is ever increasing movement waking up in India, my love against the corruption. People are just fed-up with the system, whether political leaders, bureaucrats, babus, officials and it seems this poison is rotting and eating every fibers of humanity. This problem does not only limit to the boundary of India, it pervades beyond boundaries and it pervades in the limitless mind. Cleaning the system, putting strong laws, checks and balances are necessary to run the system efficiently in just yet it is also equally important to clean up the mind and habits of people who are going to run that system. Now who are those people, it's me myself, you and all other people who are there in the system. Because we altogether make the society. Definitely higher the position one hold, higher the moral standards one need to live because of their higher positions one get the ability to influences other people lives to greater extents. Yet it's applicable to all.
Reading an article in The Hindu about the life and principles of Mahatma Gandhi which quotes:
Gandhiji (1928 Young India) said the seven sins are “politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity and worship without renunciation of ego.”
Now I am personally really touched by these words, though we might not touching all the arenas mentioned by Gandhi ji here, we must be touching few in our lives. These words give a great room for introspection, whether I living up honestly to the roles I am playing in live or am I just being hypocritical, am I being corrupt in my life or I am living a just full life. Let's us elaborate on each of these arenas:
1. Politics without principles: Though I presumes, the reader of these blog may not be directly involve in any political movements or parties yet as an adult most of democratic countries in the world gives us the right to cast our votes, does we contest our right to vote based on principles or just based on our friendships, family relations or emotions. Check this out.
2. Wealth without work: When you go to work, you really use your time to accomplish to job you are assigned or you just crib about it with expressions like "oh, my god! it's Monday again or thank God! it's Friday" Think about it or how many time trying to find out some easy way out from your work duties. Have you gone through these swings.....
3. Pleasure without conscience: Next time when you are completely indulge in relishing your favorite delicacy in your favorite restaurant or just about to throw away some food which doesn't suite your taste buds just think about the poorest, homeless persons in the remotest of the places of the world. Just wake up and expand your conscience when you engage in pleasures of sense gratification. See what happens... what an experiment!
4. Knowledge without character: The knowledge which is not put in practice is like no knowledge itself. Many a time, intellectual understanding of some knowledge gives wrong idea of knowing it yet realized knowledge may be a distant reality yet. The danger of being knowledgeable even increases when one start speaking knowledge and able to convince others about some knowledge, it generate a false notion in the mind that I know it all. This hurts more deeply on spiritual path. Intellectual understanding is far realization when it become the character.
5. Commerce without morality: The biggest danger today's business world is result of absence of fundamental morals in practice, absence of equity and justice for distribution of profits resulted from greed and lust to hoard more than what one need has made our business houses place of major rip off their employees, mentally, emotionally and financially.
6. Science without humanity: Today science has done tremendous progress, but on the other hand without holistic understanding we have created more than 20000 nuclear arsenals which are more than sufficient to destroy our home 'the earth' we are literally living on explosives. Again we have also created garbage islands and polluted our mother earth because of exhaustive exploitation of natural resource again not being aware what we really need to support life.
7. Worship without renunciation of ego: Now what to say about it, all places of worship may temples, mosques or churches are filled ego centric people, one might find the name tag even on stones on foot steps. Renunciation of ego to me realizing that my identity doesn't stand by itself at all, it is only that divine exist and I realize that I am just nothing, this itself it not the perfect expression, even more closely I do not exist at all what is here is only divine play. Then real union happens that's the real worship.
now here is concluding remark... ideals seems to be high yet simple. Yet living these will guide our lives on corruption-free journey. Lets practice it and say I am against corruption! I am... are you...!
All glory to Gurudev!
Reading an article in The Hindu about the life and principles of Mahatma Gandhi which quotes:
Gandhiji (1928 Young India) said the seven sins are “politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity and worship without renunciation of ego.”
Now I am personally really touched by these words, though we might not touching all the arenas mentioned by Gandhi ji here, we must be touching few in our lives. These words give a great room for introspection, whether I living up honestly to the roles I am playing in live or am I just being hypocritical, am I being corrupt in my life or I am living a just full life. Let's us elaborate on each of these arenas:
1. Politics without principles: Though I presumes, the reader of these blog may not be directly involve in any political movements or parties yet as an adult most of democratic countries in the world gives us the right to cast our votes, does we contest our right to vote based on principles or just based on our friendships, family relations or emotions. Check this out.
2. Wealth without work: When you go to work, you really use your time to accomplish to job you are assigned or you just crib about it with expressions like "oh, my god! it's Monday again or thank God! it's Friday" Think about it or how many time trying to find out some easy way out from your work duties. Have you gone through these swings.....
3. Pleasure without conscience: Next time when you are completely indulge in relishing your favorite delicacy in your favorite restaurant or just about to throw away some food which doesn't suite your taste buds just think about the poorest, homeless persons in the remotest of the places of the world. Just wake up and expand your conscience when you engage in pleasures of sense gratification. See what happens... what an experiment!
4. Knowledge without character: The knowledge which is not put in practice is like no knowledge itself. Many a time, intellectual understanding of some knowledge gives wrong idea of knowing it yet realized knowledge may be a distant reality yet. The danger of being knowledgeable even increases when one start speaking knowledge and able to convince others about some knowledge, it generate a false notion in the mind that I know it all. This hurts more deeply on spiritual path. Intellectual understanding is far realization when it become the character.
5. Commerce without morality: The biggest danger today's business world is result of absence of fundamental morals in practice, absence of equity and justice for distribution of profits resulted from greed and lust to hoard more than what one need has made our business houses place of major rip off their employees, mentally, emotionally and financially.
6. Science without humanity: Today science has done tremendous progress, but on the other hand without holistic understanding we have created more than 20000 nuclear arsenals which are more than sufficient to destroy our home 'the earth' we are literally living on explosives. Again we have also created garbage islands and polluted our mother earth because of exhaustive exploitation of natural resource again not being aware what we really need to support life.
7. Worship without renunciation of ego: Now what to say about it, all places of worship may temples, mosques or churches are filled ego centric people, one might find the name tag even on stones on foot steps. Renunciation of ego to me realizing that my identity doesn't stand by itself at all, it is only that divine exist and I realize that I am just nothing, this itself it not the perfect expression, even more closely I do not exist at all what is here is only divine play. Then real union happens that's the real worship.
now here is concluding remark... ideals seems to be high yet simple. Yet living these will guide our lives on corruption-free journey. Lets practice it and say I am against corruption! I am... are you...!
All glory to Gurudev!
Gandhi ji also did satyagrah but not alone it was people's movement. Other marched in satyagraha. Here Anna's team did rallies (that's different than satyagraha) but I said lets 500 people say I will not give bribe in simple things.. e.g. jumping light (signal), friend got scared he said we can't do it. it has to first become a law enforce it from top then we will also support.
If we can't do even small things to actually show that we want a change, question is do we really want a change or its just a wishlist.. that way I also want mercedez bez and become prime minister...