The idea of Freedom is old and new. Everyone across culture, country or race and even time have longed for freedom. People have fought for political freedom and even gave their lives. There are layers and levels of freedom as well. From physical freedom which literally liberated people from slavery, political freedom, religious freedom, financial freedom and emotional freedom, there are numerous avenues of freedom and it seems there is a hierarchy of various freedoms. Once we achieve one type of freedom, the other aspect of life longs for freedom and life just become a continuous struggle of achieving one freedom after another. One is forced to wonder if there is a way out from these layers of bondage appears like a labyrinth or 'Chakravhu' where the life or 'Jiva' is fighting a lasting battle of sovereignty (Mahabharata). What is the solution so that we break all barriers and become free at once. What is the Key to the Freedom? Ashtavakra Gita (a subli...
Spiritual or self-help teaching is a slippery path to walk upon. Being a spiritual teacher comes with a danger that one can have a notion of knowing without knowing. For example, i t is one thing to intellectually understand yoga is good for the healthy body but then doing it every day to keep the body healthy is an entirely different thing. Similarly, it is one thing to understand the benefit of practicing acceptance for the peace of mind then to living the acceptance. Let's expand upon it a bit. There are three kinds of understandings viz intellectual, experiential and existential. The first level of understanding is the intellectual understanding which is the most superficial one, like understanding of the mental phenomenon, methods of quietening the mind, and one can easily intellectually understand this knowledge or inner science which is very similar to the understanding of any other field like physics, chemistry, mathematics etc. Here the process mostly involves...