The idea of Freedom is old and new. Everyone across culture, country or race and even time have longed for freedom. People have fought for political freedom and even gave their lives. There are layers and levels of freedom as well. From physical freedom which literally liberated people from slavery, political freedom, religious freedom, financial freedom and emotional freedom, there are numerous avenues of freedom and it seems there is a hierarchy of various freedoms. Once we achieve one type of freedom, the other aspect of life longs for freedom and life just become a continuous struggle of achieving one freedom after another.
One is forced to wonder if there is a way out from these layers of bondage appears like a labyrinth or 'Chakravhu' where the life or 'Jiva' is fighting a lasting battle of sovereignty (Mahabharata). What is the solution so that we break all barriers and become free at once. What is the Key to the Freedom?
Ashtavakra Gita (a sublime and enlightening conversation between Master Ashtavakra and Seeker Janaka) gives the Key to Freedom.
सवबभ तू षे ुचात्मान ं सवबभ तू ातन चात्मतन ।
तवऻाम तनयहंकायो तनभभभ स्त्व ं सखु ी बव ॥ १५-६॥
Realize Self in All and All in Self. Be free of personal identity and the sense of “mine.” Be happy.
The finest and first bondage in any situation appears at mental level. In reality, if one contemplates it; our idea about ourself entrap us. Our opinion about ourself, our identity about ourself bind us in those identity and ideas. Sometime those ideas are good and sometime not so good. We think of ourself as small or big, smart or stupid, talented or foolish, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, enslaved or free. Here Ashtavakra gives the ultimate key to freedom. He tells Janaka, be free of personal identity and sense of mine. Any identity is a cage in which we bind ourself. It is the original sin, ultimate bondage. Since mind is conditioned to create an identity for oneself, it create identity for others around us as well. We enslave people in our identity of them and see them through those identity. Same is done by others for us. This is the source of violence. Somebody is trapped in bad identity in our mind and they are our enemy, some are trapped in good identity and they are friends.
As soon as any identity about self drops, we experience limitless freedom instantly. There is no better moment than now to drop self identity and experience that freedom. Whatever is stopping you or where ever in your mind you feel restrictions, know that it's just a mental framework. Any weakness you feel because you have taken it as your weakness. Whatever you think of yourself, just see the mental framework you have created for yourself, break it down with awareness and meet A FREE YOU. This is the ultimate Key to Freedom. Be free and share your experience of freedom with the world.
Be blessed and become bliss!