There is wisdom beyond every event.
There is love beyond every person.
There is infinity beyond every object.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
These are beautiful lines spoken by world renowned spiritual leader and humanitarian Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Though sounds very simple but these few lines are impregnated with vast wisdom which immediately bring the shift in consciousness by little dwelling. Other significance of these 'sutras', the tenets of wisdom is that it covers most of mind stuff/activity/thought. If carefully deliberated one find mind dwells either on events, people or objects most of the times and all most all over conflicts whether personal or otherwise can be attributed to these three dimension of existence namely events, people and objects. Interestingly, events, people and objects brings two kinds of experiences, pleasurable or miserable. When these attributes brings pleasurable experience mind develop craving for those events, people or objects (e.g. partying, friends and treasures) while miserable experiences from events, people or objects (e.g. accidents, arguments from people and burdens) can cause aversion. This leads to the origin of craving and aversion, the majestic duality of this world and the whole life force is trapped wrestling with these this power of two and this whole drama sometime described as 'maya', the matrix in vedic texts.
Now how to go beyond this matrix, beyond this duality of craving and aversion and get rid of misery and conflict from our life; answer lies in above mentioned 'sutras'. If the mind is in trouble know that the mind is stuck in some event, person or object and it can't experience peace and rest and solution lies 'BEYOND' event, people and object. The way to achieve it by being simple 'sakshi' the WITNESS to events, people and objects when mind stops assigning pleasurable or miserable connotations to events, people or objects and a different dimension of consciousness opens up. Where mind is not meddling up with events, people or objects like a mad dog stuck in mud but silently watching the scenery as it unfolds. That expanded state of consciousness, that sakshi state brings us wisdom beyond events, deep experience of love beyond every person and vision of infinity beyond objects.
So become witness now and experience the tremendous wealth it brings with it. Oh Sakshi! Anyway you are.....