Let your dreams awaken you: The next sutra is Swapnanidrajnanalambanam va meaning "the knowledge of dream or sleep can also awaken you". This is very interesting. You sleep all your life, but you have never met your sleep. It's like a person who has lived all his life with millions in his hands but never knew how to spend it. Or like a person who is sitting at the dining table with a delicious, elaborate meal, without knowing how to eat it. It is the same with our life. Sleep is there but we do not know how to sleep! We dream everyday and we do not know what a dream is. When you sleep you let go of everything. If you hold on to anything, can you sleep? In sleep, your identity vanishes. You are neither male or female. There is no difference between a rich man's sleep and a poor man's sleep, between an intelligent man's sleep or a stupid man's sleep. Sleep is sleep. In sleep, what do you do? You let go of who you are, of your likes and dislikes. You cannot ...
Sounds Interesting...