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Showing posts from April, 2009

Time, Space & Mind

This one is really interesting: we have gone through different situation of life there are some moments which just take over us whether pleasant or unpleasant and then we loose our balance and roll down starts :) And then at some other time and space same events/similar events looses their importance and seams insignificant and do not touch us why is that...! it's a wonder ahoo...!!! :) At some time at some place same event become so big and take over us and at some other place and time it is just doesn't matter to us what a phenomenon what a wonder...! :) For instance for a kid playing with a toy, his toy is everything to him like if the toy is broken life is broke but as the same kid grow up that toy looses its relevance (TOY IS THE SAME). How does it work..... what is mechanism... here is what I think........... Its simple that when we are too attached and focused of something (object, event or people) then the consciousness is focused and sharp on the subject so much that ...

Guru Poornima with Sri Sri

Pals.... this is one of the life time opportunity one can have to celebrate the Guru Poornima with Masters itself. This is one of grandest opportunity one get in life-times and it has the power to change your whole life so don't miss it. Save your dates and plan ahead :) For more details and registering for courses please log on to

About Video & Guru Stories

I have added some of videos of Sri Sri and AOL in one place on the side bar. It will help in grabbing then in the time of need... Use them important stuff for sewa.. As I told you guys that I working on blog for Guru Stories. It's under construction designing part is going on... I have already got so many good responses with wonderfull touching tales.... :) I encourage all you guys to write your own experiences in Art of Living and Gurudev and share with all... :) Some people are asking me if they can share so personal experiences with others.... :) SURE folks see if your experiences can inspire somebody and open some new avenue for them on this beautiful path of service, love and joy.... :) so please open your heart don't be shy and get inspired and inspire others too... what a beauty. All win win situation............. :)

Politics: What & how

India's problems are complex. And unfortunately these are compounded by vote-bank politics. Instead of uniting the different sections of society, many politicians divide it to keep their vote banks intact. If people are united, politicians won't be able to get votes through divisive politics. In such a situation, the only way for them to win votes would be through good performance. As citizens, we must protect our country from those who manipulate issues for their personal gains and who lead by playing vote-bank politics. Those with vested interests support insensible decisions and oppose sensible ones. We have to steer clear of such leaders. We must encourage broad-minded politicians and leaders to come forward and take charge, and to educate and uplift the society - spiritually, morally and socially. We need leaders who are satya-darshi (truthful), sam-darshi (equanimous), priya-darshi (pleasant), paar-darshi (transparent) and door-darshi (visionary). So, before we elect our ...

Guru Story

Dear all You must have heard so many miraculous experiences of others and you must also have had so many like that which we them GURU STORIES. Listening these stories or having such experiences always consolidate our faith and help us to understand the knowledge more clearly. Since these are live experiences they always have more impact on our consciousness also. I remember in Narada Bhakti Sutra also Gurudev explain in one of sutra: "Bhakta ekantino mukhyah, kanthavarodha romancha shrubhih parasparam lapamanah pavayanti kulani prithvim cha" Means: devotees has such one-pointedness that when they get together and talk. They speak about Divine, their throats choke, their hair stands up, tears roll down their eyes and they uplift each other and they purify not just their family, not just their relatives, but the whole world. That is divine love. That is the power of talking about divine. So lets open your heart and go back in your life and explore those moments which you always...