Meditation is an art by which one go beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness where mind dissolve and pure timeless, space less, blissful consciousness BEING which is described as सत्चिदानंद satchidanand (सत् -चित्-आनंद) sat-chit-anand (Truthful-consciousness-blissful) by the enlightened MASTERS.

About Meditation there are so many myths and concepts. And the truth is what you experience that is reality for you. Here in this post "Meditation & its secret-1" and upcoming series of post on this title, I will be writing about my direct experiences of the inner journey, the obstacles and blissful experiences which keep coming as journey goes on :)
As we sit for meditation what we do we sit STILL with EYES CLOSED that is for withdrawing reflexive mind from visionary senses, other obstacle is auditory disturbances (therefore quiet place is preferable). Now journey start as wondering mind has lost most of distractions which it was using as mean of engagement. What happens then where does the mind goes. In reality if you observe silently and give it freedom to wander around then you will find there are majorly two distractions: physical (pain & sensations), mental (pleasant or unpleasant thoughts). There is nothing beyond this where your mind can exist before it come to present and rest & dissolve.
Physical Pain & Sensation: If the awareness is pulled back and again on some part of the body due to pain or sensation, it indicating body need attention. Yoga, stretches and other physical activity help to relieve that stress from the body and mind can calm down. That's why in Patanjali's Ashtanga yoga आसन Asana (Physical yoga) comes before ध्यान dhyan (Meditation).
Mental (Pleasant or unpleasant thoughts): These are even subtle which arises from because of impressions on mind (mind is subtler than body). Either mind is wandering in the thoughts of anger about something we or other person did wrong or we perceive as wrong or worry about the future (submission date or next meeting with boss etc) or thoughts of our dreams, ambitions or achievements what else.... JUST OBSERVE.
Now how to deal with this complex mind which filled with so many thought. Anything related to past which is either pleasant or unpleasant, the knowledge of ever pure, unstained being & untouched self (असंगोहम् पुन: पुन:) HELPS. So reminding yourself again and again I am untouched take away past impressions. Anything related to future's ambitions and achievement realizing the knowledge of nothingness of everything helps mind calm down. Realizing "I am nothing and I don't want anything" is ultimately put the mind to rest.
And I wonder and amazed how my mind come up and dissolves in the that NOTHINGNESS which is described as सत्चिदानंद.
All Glory to My Gurudev
Jai guru dev!
waiting for the next one..!
Jai Gurudev !