5103 years ago Sri Krishna was born. Gokul means the family/society where there is knowledge. If you look at Krishna's life its amazing. As a friend, child, thief, musician, husband, teacher, lover from every aspect He was the best and complete. He was an uncrowned king. We still remember His journey from Brindavan to Dwarka.
Krishna said 4 kinds of people worship me
a) Miserable people
b) Those who want something
c) Those who want to know what is life and
d) Gynanis.
Know that I am not separate from the Gynani. Gynani is Me and I am Gynani.
Radha is longing and Krishna is love. Vasudeva (Ananda) brings Krishna to Gokul when every one is sleeping. This means when the senses sleep Love comes out through ananda. Rama and Krishna are completely opposite in nature. Rama was born in the noon and Krishna midnight. Rama was always a shishya, i.e. a student throughout His life, whereas Krishna was always a teacher. He was a Guru even to His mother. Rama respected every one. Every one respected Krishna. Both are needed for making life colorful and lively.
H H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
All Glory to Gurudev
Jai Guru Dev, Rosie Brewer Santa Barbara, CA, USA