Where is you mind? Just sit with eyes closed and observe. What thought goes in the mind: future worries, anxieties and desires or past regrets, anguish or glories. Nothing other than this. Isnt it? And intensity of every thought shows how much impression it has on our mind. One simple rule about MIND: "whatever goes in your mind there is you mind"
So how to get mind to the peaceful relaxed and blissful meditative state which is known as सत्चिदानंद satchidanand (सत् -चित्-आनंद) sat-chit-anand (Truthful-consciousness-blissful): just by observing it and relaxing it rather than resisting or fighting with any thought. Remember the ways of physical body is effort and keys for mind is effortlessness. So Just observe and relax.
Lets have this experiences find out where is you mind and share your comments :)
Jai Gurudev
All Glory to Gurudev
So how to get mind to the peaceful relaxed and blissful meditative state which is known as सत्चिदानंद satchidanand (सत् -चित्-आनंद) sat-chit-anand (Truthful-consciousness-blissful): just by observing it and relaxing it rather than resisting or fighting with any thought. Remember the ways of physical body is effort and keys for mind is effortlessness. So Just observe and relax.
Lets have this experiences find out where is you mind and share your comments :)
Jai Gurudev
All Glory to Gurudev