Sri Sri University is an international initiative to address this anomaly by developing tomorrow's leaders, managers of change, trained to the industry requirements, with an attitude and skill-set transcending specific disciplines. Inspired by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, students will look beyond their own limitations and share bigger responsibilities as worthy citizens and brim with confidence. In them we may see not just the smartest, but the leaders, the pillars of society on whose shoulders the future world will be built - Truly global citizens with traditional and moral niceties, broadening the vision... deepening the roots.
Why Study at Sri Sri University:
1. Taking care of the future: Sri Sri University is conceptualized on a vision of Holistic Inspired Education that aims to ready its students for the demands of the Industry and market economy, along with making them into well rounded human beings. Sri Sri University intends to do this by giving them deep roots in the supple and fertile earth of Indian Value Systems, its cultural history and philosophy while helping them look beyond the horizon towards a Global Perspective.
2. Industry Relevant Courses: Higher education is critical to India's aspirations of emerging as a major player in the global knowledge economy. The global competitiveness of Indian industry and also its employment generation potential is clearly dependent on availability of required skills and trained personnel. Higher education trains people to take up different economic roles in society and spurs technological innovation that drives economic growth.

Programs Offered:
School of Management
2 Years Degree courses in Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Banking and Finance.
School of Law
5 Years Undergraduate Degree course in Law.
School of Government
2 Years Post Graduate Degree course in Government.
School of Cultural Studies
2 Years Post Graduate Degree course in Tourism and Indology.
School of Engineering
4 years Undergraduate Degree courses in Electronics and Telecommunications, Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering.
School of Biotechnology
2 Years Post Graduate Degree courses in Pharmacology and Biotechnology.
School of Sciences
2 Years Post Graduate Degree courses in Textile Designing and Transportation.
School of Ayurveda
4 Years Post Graduate Degree courses for Research in Ayurveda.
School of Vedic Sciences
4 Years Post Graduate Degree courses for Research and Development on Vedic Science.
School of Research Sciences
4 Years Post Graduate Degree courses for Research in Advanced Physics, Research in Chemistry and Research in Mathematics.
This is great opportunity for upcoming generation to get world Class education in India. Spread the words around. For more information visit www.srisriuniversity.org
Jai Gurudev
All Glory to My Gurudev
can i use this post for YES!+ Chennai Blog..?
Sure you can use all my post for any AOL forums :)
Can I know more about the post-degree Ayurveda courses?