"He was a soul of puissance if ever there was one, a very lion among men, but the definitive work he has left behind is quite incommensurate with our impression of his creative might and energy. We perceive his influence still working gigantically, we know not well how, we know not well where, in something that is not yet formed, something leonine, grand, intuitive, upheaving that has entered the soul of India and we say, "Behold, Vivekananda still lives in the soul of his Mother and in the souls of her children." said Sri Aurobindo Ghosh about Swami Vivekananda.
While Subhash Chandra Bose described this warrior monk in following words:
"I cannot write about Vivekananda without going into raptures. Few indeed could comprehend or fathom him even among those who had the privilege of becoming intimate with him. His personality was rich, profound and complex... Reckless in his sacrifice, unceasing in his activity, boundless in his love, profound and versatile in his wisdom, exuberant in his emotions, merciless in his attacks but yet simple as a child, he was a rare personality in this world of ours"
This was a short introduction of this Great personality who was spiritually elevated, physically and mentally strong like lion and served humanity tirelessly till his last breath. He was the first one who took the vedanta teachings to the west in late 19th century and we know him as Swami Vivekananda.
I remember my childhood when I used to play the role of this Great personality in the school plays and recently I was reading his work and I feel his words has fire to burn the lethargy of life times in mind and create one pointed focus in right direction for our life. Here are few of interesting facts about this Great Patriot yet unattached to anything in this material world, Swami Vivekananda.
* His personality was greatly influenced by his parents: the father by his rational mind and the mother by her religious temperament.
* He often quoted one of the saying of his mother "Remain pure all your life; guard your own honor and never transgress the honor of others. Be very tranquil, but when necessary, harden your heart."
* Dr. William Hastie, the principal of Scottish Church College, where he studied during 1881-84,wrote, "Narendra is really a genius. I have traveled far and wide but I have never come across a lad of his talents and possibilities, even in German universities, among philosophical students. He was regarded as a srutidhara—a man with prodigious memory."
* For five years 1881-85 he stayed with His Guru Sri RamaKrishna Paramhansa. During the course of five years of his training under Ramakrishna, Narendra was transformed from a restless, puzzled, impatient youth to a mature man who was ready to renounce everything for the sake of God-realization. That's the power of Guru Shakti.
* After the demise of his Master he stayed in for 3 years in Baranagar Monastery from 1885-88. The living style in the monastery described by him as "We underwent a lot of religious practice at Baranagore Math. We used to get up at 3:00 am and become absorbed in japa and meditation. What a strong spirit of dispassion we had in those days! We had no thought even as to whether the world existed or not"
* In 1888 Swami ji left the monastery and took the life of Parivrâjaka—the Hindu religious life of a wandering monk " without fixed abode, without ties, independent and strangers wherever they go" and he lived rest of his whole life like this serving the man kind.
*His two favorite books-Bhagwad Geetaand The Imitation of Christ.
* In the parliament of Religion in 1893 he began his brief address with "sisters and brothers of America" which won the heart and soul of all delegates and unequivocally he became as the source of light for many as he talked about hinduism and universality of religious tolerance. Here is the first Address he made in Parliament of Religion in Chicago Sept 11, 1893
* Later on he started Ramakrishna Math-the organ for propagating vedanta teachings and Ramakrishna Mission-the organ for social service.
On the Next Post you will find some of his most striking quotes which has power to Transform the lives.
For More information please visit: Swami Vivekananda
While Subhash Chandra Bose described this warrior monk in following words:
"I cannot write about Vivekananda without going into raptures. Few indeed could comprehend or fathom him even among those who had the privilege of becoming intimate with him. His personality was rich, profound and complex... Reckless in his sacrifice, unceasing in his activity, boundless in his love, profound and versatile in his wisdom, exuberant in his emotions, merciless in his attacks but yet simple as a child, he was a rare personality in this world of ours"
This was a short introduction of this Great personality who was spiritually elevated, physically and mentally strong like lion and served humanity tirelessly till his last breath. He was the first one who took the vedanta teachings to the west in late 19th century and we know him as Swami Vivekananda.
I remember my childhood when I used to play the role of this Great personality in the school plays and recently I was reading his work and I feel his words has fire to burn the lethargy of life times in mind and create one pointed focus in right direction for our life. Here are few of interesting facts about this Great Patriot yet unattached to anything in this material world, Swami Vivekananda.
* His personality was greatly influenced by his parents: the father by his rational mind and the mother by her religious temperament.
* He often quoted one of the saying of his mother "Remain pure all your life; guard your own honor and never transgress the honor of others. Be very tranquil, but when necessary, harden your heart."
* Dr. William Hastie, the principal of Scottish Church College, where he studied during 1881-84,wrote, "Narendra is really a genius. I have traveled far and wide but I have never come across a lad of his talents and possibilities, even in German universities, among philosophical students. He was regarded as a srutidhara—a man with prodigious memory."
* For five years 1881-85 he stayed with His Guru Sri RamaKrishna Paramhansa. During the course of five years of his training under Ramakrishna, Narendra was transformed from a restless, puzzled, impatient youth to a mature man who was ready to renounce everything for the sake of God-realization. That's the power of Guru Shakti.
* After the demise of his Master he stayed in for 3 years in Baranagar Monastery from 1885-88. The living style in the monastery described by him as "We underwent a lot of religious practice at Baranagore Math. We used to get up at 3:00 am and become absorbed in japa and meditation. What a strong spirit of dispassion we had in those days! We had no thought even as to whether the world existed or not"
* In 1888 Swami ji left the monastery and took the life of Parivrâjaka—the Hindu religious life of a wandering monk " without fixed abode, without ties, independent and strangers wherever they go" and he lived rest of his whole life like this serving the man kind.
*His two favorite books-Bhagwad Geetaand The Imitation of Christ.
* In the parliament of Religion in 1893 he began his brief address with "sisters and brothers of America" which won the heart and soul of all delegates and unequivocally he became as the source of light for many as he talked about hinduism and universality of religious tolerance. Here is the first Address he made in Parliament of Religion in Chicago Sept 11, 1893
* Later on he started Ramakrishna Math-the organ for propagating vedanta teachings and Ramakrishna Mission-the organ for social service.
On the Next Post you will find some of his most striking quotes which has power to Transform the lives.
For More information please visit: Swami Vivekananda