A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
---George Bernard Shaw

These were the words from Shaw which really inspire us to rethink our approach for life. Look around people why they don't take initiative? or why they don't want to take responsibility? or why they don't want to do something new? One simple thing fear of failure, fear of committing a mistake! Then look around the world and find out a single person who never did a single mistake. Do we find anybody who never did a mistake. No everybody some or other time in their life at some moment while cooking, driving, talking, in job, in relationship or name it people fall short of perfection and commit what we call MISTAKE. So why to stop yourself for any job in the worry of committing a mistake.
Here important to note is that it's not a deliberate intentional act which is being done to go out of way to disturb the system (perhaps that's we called crime in society) while mistake is unintentional disturbance created due to lack of awareness or ignorance.
What important is not to hold yourself in the fear of not to commit a mistake. Take a action, ready for new things and ready for failure but with open mind and with sense of learning we can move in life from they space of mistake to space of new discoveries. If you never did a mistake in your life know that you never took a new path because that's the one avenue where people miss the road maximum. Best thing could be taking a lesson from mistake and moving forward with clear mind. Never hesitate to make a new mistake but never repeat the mistake. Introspect if inaction due to fear of not making mistake not become the biggest mistake of life.
With Love
Well everything boils down to... Fruit of any action. Bhagavad gita says
"Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana
Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani"
Do your duty and be detached from its outcome, do not be driven by the end product, enjoy the process of getting there.
- Courtesy internet. Nice what B G can tell you.. Everything on a deeper level