Here are few amazing sutras for happy and peaceful journey of life from Rishi Vidhyadhar ji.
1. What should one talk about?
When ever you hav a conversation talk about
blessings, knowledge/self, guru stories, delegation of work, praising
When ever you hav a conversation talk about
blessings, knowledge/self, guru stories, delegation of work, praising
Any thing other than this is not at all required
What should one not talk about ?? opposite gender, atheist, enemies, money. All of this has karma attached to this.
What should one not talk about ?? opposite gender, atheist, enemies, money. All of this has karma attached to this.
2. How to praise others?
when ever you are praising any one praise in positive degree and not either in comparative or superlative degree. He said when ever Guruji praises some one He always says GOOD GOOD GOOD !!
3. How to ask question to Guruji?
When ever you ask guruji a question do frame it as it starts from How and not why !!
4. Advicing people
4. Advicing people
"Unless ones really helpless he wont listen to your advice so stop giving advice to every one "
5. Dealing with different people
He said for
duhki (unhappy) people stay away from them
sukhi (happy) people be friendly people
who are doing nice work praise them
people who are doing some bad work educate them and ignore
6. Hurry and Worry
"hurry and worry make you loose your center." Hurry and worry depends on plan and not on the target. work hard. Hurry comes with doership.
7. Problem
"every problem has a solution and every solution has a problem with it." Any obstacle in life is change in divines plan and accept it as a blessing.
8. Presence
"every problem has a solution and every solution has a problem with it." Any obstacle in life is change in divines plan and accept it as a blessing.
8. Presence
Make people happy by your presence and not your presentation."
9. Judgment
See judgement as judgement and not as a reality.
10. Spiritual Path
When ever you come to a spiritual path first your feelings change, then your speech, and finally your behavior change. Smile and move in devotion !!!
When ever you come to a spiritual path first your feelings change, then your speech, and finally your behavior change. Smile and move in devotion !!!
All Glory to Gurudev
JGD :)
Ii will definately help in my professional as well as personal life JGD!!! :)