A pianist without a piano, a businessman without business, a coach without trainee, a temple without deity, food without nutrients, a music without rhythm, a book without knowledge and a life without purpose are same. They are not what they are. They looses their relevance.

When the river is bound between two banks and flow to its source, its a river and when the banks are dissolved and there is are no direction it become flood. Same resource which is so life supporting may become the cause of destruction to self and around. Isn't it! Same is the case when life force energy has no purpose and its wondering in this world its like flooded river, all over the places. Purpose is like banks which makes a river, river; similarly purpose makes life a LIFE!
If you look around you might find their are three kind of people to this reference
One- who doesn't bother about this topic, who doesn't care about having a purpose. For them life is eat, sleep, dance and die. For them life is routine everyday and life is driven by sensual requirement or sensual pleasures.
Two- who have some purpose in their life. They want to accomplish in this life.
Three- who have rose above this and know there is no purpose. We are here to celebrate the life, to be witness to the existence.
There is huge difference between the quality of consciousness of the first and third case. Sometime people get into conceptual knowledge and become inert, dull and lethargic saying that there is no purpose to this life, they are basically running away from outer dynamism which exhibit the selfless service with inner peace. To reach to this stage of selfless service one goes through the active dynamism which exhibits self-motivated goals (2nd stage). Most of time mind get stuck into the strong matrix (Maya) created by society or this world and start living in illusion of having a purpose which is nothing but conditioning given by society. For example when you say you want to be doctor because everybody is my class for medical school or you really want to be a doctor? or you want to get married because in society everybody is getting married or you really want to get married? You want to go for shopping why because everybody is going or you really want it? You want to earn money because you need money or everybody does that so you need to do? Do you see there is huge difference in actions also.
I remember a very interesting story which put some light about the discussion. Once the Creator of this creation thought enough of drama done. Lets dissolve this creation and universe. He called for a meeting and all creatures animals, plants, mosquitoes, butterflies, tiger, horses, cow, humans, billion of creatures, everybody came.
Then, He said, "now I want to dissolve this creation since there is no purpose but before that I want to ask you all about your purpose. Do you want to share."
Everybody said, "YES."
Then He asked butterflies what is your purpose.
Butterflies said we are here so that we can add color to this creation make the garden more beautiful. Everybody cheered.
Then He asked flowers what is your purpose of existence.
Flower replied so that I can add fragrance and beauty to existence. Again everybody clapped and cheered.
Then He asked donkeys what is your purpose.
Donkeys replied so that we can help humans to carry their weights we are useful for transportation.
Same way God went around and ask all the creation and everybody added something or the other. Then He came to Humans and asked what is your purpose of existence and there was deep silence. No humans knew why they are here. They started asking each other do you know, do you know? When no answer came then God turned to other animals, plants and asked them do you what is the purpose of human being? Then everybody was shouting yes I know, yes I know, flowers were shouting yes we know why humans are here, river was saying yes I know why humans are here, even donkeys were telling yes I know why humans are here. And story end. Do you see what this story tell us.

Ask yourself are you really living the life you want to live! Are you living a purposeful life or mere existing because somehow you landed up on this planet :-) I remember once Guruji saying don't think we are mere existing here on this planet, this body, this form has a purpose! Figure out what is your purpose and go for it. Then life will flow like a beautiful river rather than a horrifying flood.
All glory to Gurudev
PS: If your mind is on fire to find out your purpose to be here and question comes what is my purpose of life keep introspecting. In next post I will be writing from different school of thoughts about the same.
Jai Gurudev!
In Love
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