Have you noticed when somebody doesn't trust you, what happens, how to do you feel inside? Restless, sad, angry, miserable and when somebody close to you, your family member may be your beloved one when they don't trust you, the hurt is even more deep and pain is even more intense. Isn't it? Now reverse this and see when you don't trust somebody what the other person goes through. Must be same experience of pain, sadness, anger. Have you noticed with our actions, dialogues, gestures; we keep telling the world, the people around us that I don't trust you. What kind of environment we create around us, where people are sad, angry in pain and anxious to prove their stand to you that you can trust them. That's what you want to do when you feel that somebody feels that you are a not trustworthy. What happens inside, you feel restless and want to do something or anything to prove your stand, that you are trustworthy! isn't it? So break this shackle of mistrust you create around you and create a happy environment for yourself. In spite of doubting people give a benefit of doubt to people that they might be victim of situations that they couldn't respond to you upto your expectation. May be the situation will not improve outside but definitely the state of your mind will be much better, your mind will be relaxed and calm. Keep a caution that in the name of trust I am not saying blindly follow anybody and everybody rather keep your mind alert yet have a trust for people around you.
See the bigger picture, this whole world is running on trust; you go and deposit money in bank as you can trust the system of bank, you send your kids to some school as you can trust that school and so on. In the same way the whole world is running on trust. Where there is no trust there is no life! Isn't it!
Basically trusting is the quality of higher consciousness! The person who is highly insecure, he/she can not trust anybody as he/she is very fearful about their own existence on the other hand the person with lifted life force energy can even go to difficult and dangerous zone, as he can trust his/her own capabilities. Start trusting yourself and start trusting people around you. Actually when you don't trust yourself, that time you don't trust other people also. When you don't trust yourself how is your outlook in life; fearful, anxious filled with sense of failure and as you have trust in yourself what happens you become like winner in spite of winning, it brings confidence, it gives you a relaxed and happy state of mind.
In nut shell by cultivating trust for yourself as well as others you are cultivating happiness in your life.
All Glory to Gurudev!
See the bigger picture, this whole world is running on trust; you go and deposit money in bank as you can trust the system of bank, you send your kids to some school as you can trust that school and so on. In the same way the whole world is running on trust. Where there is no trust there is no life! Isn't it!
Basically trusting is the quality of higher consciousness! The person who is highly insecure, he/she can not trust anybody as he/she is very fearful about their own existence on the other hand the person with lifted life force energy can even go to difficult and dangerous zone, as he can trust his/her own capabilities. Start trusting yourself and start trusting people around you. Actually when you don't trust yourself, that time you don't trust other people also. When you don't trust yourself how is your outlook in life; fearful, anxious filled with sense of failure and as you have trust in yourself what happens you become like winner in spite of winning, it brings confidence, it gives you a relaxed and happy state of mind.
In nut shell by cultivating trust for yourself as well as others you are cultivating happiness in your life.
All Glory to Gurudev!
Most of the people are trust worthy if we are transparent to them, we can feel it more they can feel it more!