Many people suffer from the sleep disorders including; not able to sleep on time and get up on time, to feeling sleepy during work, to being night owl or insomnia. This adversely affect their work, relationship as well as confidence and self respect at large. Many of us make resolution about getting up early and may end up breaking it right next morning and then being frustrated about this; while for some it has gone to an extent that they have given up the hope that they can wake up before sun rise. Though we have heard many benefits for early risers including physical, mental, emotional and of course material benefits as well. But how to strike it is the key. Lets understand some of the science behind it. Our mind body complex work in rhythm in accordance to external stimulus like light and we create our biological clock which is known as circadian rhythm . Here is the pictorial representation of normal 24 hr cycle of physiological activity. Now if you closely look into this picture ...
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