A pianist without a piano, a businessman without business, a coach without trainee, a temple without deity, food without nutrients, a music without rhythm, a book without knowledge and a life without purpose are same. They are not what they are. They looses their relevance. When the river is bound between two banks and flow to its source, its a river and when the banks are dissolved and there is are no direction it become flood. Same resource which is so life supporting may become the cause of destruction to self and around. Isn't it! Same is the case when life force energy has no purpose and its wondering in this world its like flooded river, all over the places. Purpose is like banks which makes a river, river; similarly purpose makes life a LIFE! If you look around you might find their are three kind of people to this reference One- who doesn't bother about this topic, who doesn't care about having a purpose. For them life is eat, sleep, dance and die. For them life is r...
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